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Effects of stress on your body and how to overcome it

Stress is interspersed in this cauldron of chaos and hustle-bustle of regular life, and we can't

deny its effects. From disciplining your kids to coping with your regular office work-

you may find the symptoms of stress. Some people may experience the psychological

effects, while others could find themselves involved in receiving the symptoms like

heartburn and headaches.  

According to American Psychological Association, human bodies can handle less stress in

small doses. However, it may severely affect the human body if it becomes chronic.  

Stress could act motivator and play an instrumental role during the survival period. The fight

or flight mechanism of the human body tells a person how to respond to danger.

Conversely, if the body gets triggered too easily; it could undermine a person's physical and

mental health.

What is stress?

Stress is the human body's natural defense. It creates a shield against danger and predators.

Additionally, it causes the body to flood with necessary hormones. It prepares the systems

to confront or evade danger. When people face any challenge, our body produces larger

quantities of epinephrine, cortisol, and norepinephrine. It may trigger the following physical


  • Sweating

  • Alertness

  • Increased blood pressure

All these factors improve the ability of a person to respond to a challenging situation.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine cause a faster heart rate. According to a study, average

stress levels in the USA were 4.9 on a scale from 1 to 10. The study was occurred by a group

of scientists in 2018.

Symptoms of stress

Stress can hit hard all parts of your life, including behaviors, emotions, physical health, and

last but not least, thinking ability. As people handle stress differently, symptoms may vary

from time to time. However, you should consult with a doctor if you're experiencing chronic


Emotional symptoms-

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Getting agitated easily

  • Getting low feelings about anything which you're concerned about

  • Low self-esteem

Physical symptoms-

  • Headaches 

  • Insomnia

  • Stomach issues 

  • Rapid heartbeat and chest pain

  • Loss of sexual desire/ability 

  • Increased nervousness

Cognitive symptoms  

  • Worrying about things without any cause

  • Inability to focus on anything particular

  • Poor judgment 

  • Constantly seeing the negative side of anything

Effects of stress on different parts of the body

As said earlier, a small doss of stress is good for the human body to keep it active and vigilant.

However, chronic stress is harmful to our body system. Let's take a look.

Stress and the muscular system

If the body is experiencing a stressful encounter, muscles could get tensed. Hence the

body's muscles don't get a chance to relax during a prolonged stress period. It leads to body

aches and shoulder and neck pain.

Stress and the digestive system

The liver produces extra blood sugar during the peak moment to foster your energy.

However, our body can't cope with this surge and develops type-2 diabetes.

Stress and reproductive system

For men, stress could cause a drop-in men's testosterone levels along with interfering with

sperm production too. Additionally, it may cause erectile dysfunction. For women, tedious

hours of work can affect their menstrual cycle. It may lead to heavy, irregular, and painful


Stress and cardiovascular system

Two main elements of the cardiovascular system, i.e., the heart & blood vessels, work together

to provide nourishment and oxygen to our body organs. Acute stress may cause an increase

in heart rate, followed by more muscular heart muscle contractions. Meanwhile, stress

hormones help divert more pressure for dealing with the stress. Therefore, chronic stress

causes the heart to overwork, leading to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.

Stress and nervous system

The human body's nervous systems consist of several divisions- central divisions including the

brain and spinal cord. On the other hand, there are somatic and automatic nervous systems.

The automatic nervous system plays an instrumental role in stress. It is divided into SNS

stressed, the SNS system contributes to the fight or flight response. The human body shifts

the energy sources towards fighting off a threat.

Both SNS & PNS have potent interactions with the immune system. It can also modulate

stress reactions. However, chronic stress may result in a long-term drain on the body.

Hence, it could engender certain problematic situations.

How to overcome stress in a healthy way?

It may be daunting to cope with your body stress. However, reducing stress in your regular

life could help you be more productive.

  • Do meditation- It is proven that meditation has the power to reduce anxieties. Doing so regularly would help to release hormones that may induce happiness.

  • Create a habit of eating healthy foods- Balanced diet is beneficial for your health, but it can also eradicate anxieties and depression. Similarly, go for healthy drinks which are enriched with proteins. Say no to caffeine and other strong drinks.

  • Do exercise regularly- According to experts, exercise works as a stressbuster. Follow a routine and maintain the same while performing an exercise. You can start with doing the free hands.

  • Spend more time with yourself- Once you're done with the regular work, switch off all your gadgets and take time to reflect and realize and reflect. A life coach can help with that tremendously.

We can't just omit stress from our life, but we can control our reactions and effect on our bodies with our minds. Are you ready to take your stress under control and live a happier life with less stress? Book your appointment today with Kateryna Armenta, your Life, and Career Coach.

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1 commentaire

20 avr. 2022

Excellent plan to identify and deal with stress.

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